Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Visit from Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus

Santa, Mrs. Claus and Mr. Vedbraaten came to our classroom. Everyone received hot cocoa, a box of color crayons, and a candy cane. Santa gave us a speech about always being on our best behavior because he is always watching. I know that all of you will do this because you are a well behaved class! I even received colored pencils and pencils to use in our classroom! That was so nice of Santa! Enjoy the pictures below!

I Spy Math

We did a fun math activity in our classroom last week. I hid a bunch of math problems around the classroom and the students searched all over to find the problems to solve. The students found all but one problem in the classroom. I guess I must have hid that one too good!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Program

I was so proud of all you last Friday. It was a spectacular program. All that hard work and dedication really paid off! We may have been getting ready frantically before the concert with so many sick, but it worked out great!  Enjoy the pictures of our excellent cast!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Busy December!

December has been a really busy month already! We have been working really hard on plural, proper, and possessive nouns. You all are starting to get the hang of it, but we still need more practice. Remember practice makes perfect! Below are some pictures of practicing sorting Dr. Suess nouns. They had tons of fun with this activity!

We started out December doing a lot of holiday crafts. Our classroom looks so festive now! The holiday music program is on Friday at 1:30. We will have our artwork displayed in the gym for all to see. They worked really hard on their christmas trees and they look so great! We also made Christmas lights with our name and wow do they look neat hanging from our ceiling. We also wrote letters to Santa and they will be in the hallway. Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season!

Last but not least, Cody brought in his broken Tae-Kwon-Do board to share with the class. We are all so PROUD of Cody. What an accomplishment! Thank you so much for sharing!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

50th Day of School

Monday, November 19 was our 50th day of school! Every student in our classroom got to wear a badge that said "I am 50 days smarter". We started the morning off by counting to 50 by doing different activities. We jumped until 10, lunged until 20, jumping jacks until 30, windmills until 40, and ran in place until 50. It was so much fun and we started our morning off with a workout! We also counted different shapes in math and when we totaled them up the answer was 50! It was such a fun day.

                              Below are some pictures we took under our thankful turkey!

Turkeys in Disguise

We had a fun homework assignment over the weekend. Each student took home "Tom Turkey" and their mission was to disguise Tom so he wouldn't be eaten for thanskgiving. You guys did an excellent job on these and were so creative. Check them out below!

Click here watch a fun Thanksgiving book!