Tuesday, November 20, 2012

50th Day of School

Monday, November 19 was our 50th day of school! Every student in our classroom got to wear a badge that said "I am 50 days smarter". We started the morning off by counting to 50 by doing different activities. We jumped until 10, lunged until 20, jumping jacks until 30, windmills until 40, and ran in place until 50. It was so much fun and we started our morning off with a workout! We also counted different shapes in math and when we totaled them up the answer was 50! It was such a fun day.

                              Below are some pictures we took under our thankful turkey!

Turkeys in Disguise

We had a fun homework assignment over the weekend. Each student took home "Tom Turkey" and their mission was to disguise Tom so he wouldn't be eaten for thanskgiving. You guys did an excellent job on these and were so creative. Check them out below!

Click here watch a fun Thanksgiving book!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


We have been working really hard on sequencing the last two weeks. A fun project we did was describing how to blow a bubble. First, we thought about the steps of blowing a bubble. Next, we wrote it down in order. Last, we made a picture of ourselves blowing a bubble. Almost everyone was able to blow up their balloon! It was such a fun day. We were all out of air after this activity! :) 

Enjoy the artwork below!

Next week is a short week. We will only be in school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I can't wait for all of you to come to school and show me how you disguised your turkeys. I bet they are FANTASTIC!

Make sure to study your spelling words! Pre-test is Tuesday and final test is Wednesday.
I hope you had a super weekend!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Spooktacular Second Grade

We sure had a Spooky Halloween in our Classroom. The day was filled with fun activities. In the morning we had our spelling pre-test full of fun halloween words. After lunch we went from classroom to classroom to present our halloween play Shake Dem Halloween Bones. You guys all did such an awesome job! I was very proud of you.

After we got back to the classroom we changed into our costumes and took pictures.

Then we played some halloween bingo and watched a movie together in class.
WOW! We sure did have a fun day!

Last, we had a parade in the gym showing off all of our AWESOME costumes and had a dance party to the Monster Mash.

I saw some pretty spooktacular dance moves at the dance! 

Enjoy your Monday off! I will sure miss all of you!