Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a really fun St. Patrick's Day in our classroom. Our art project today was to make a pot of gold with a writing prompt that said...Who is worth more to you than gold? They turned out super cute and it was so fun to see who was important in everyone's life. A student even chose me! :) That was so special! Enjoy the project below!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Dr. Seuss Week!

We had a Seusstastical week! It was very busy, but we sure did learn a lot! 
The first project shown below was from the book, There's a Wocket in my Pocket. We had a lot of fun coming up with creatures to be inside our pockets. They sure were funny looking!

Here is a picture from Wacky Wednesday! I was so sad I missed out on this day. My daughter was home sick. I was very impressed with the note I received from the substitute teacher. Nothing better than coming back to school and hearing a great report about your class!

Working on Dr. Seuss proper nouns, possessive nouns, and plural nouns. We got so much better on these throughout the week! Practice sure does make perfect!

This was a very fun activity to practice place value. We had a mystery card to read and then we would write down the mystery number and pass it clockwise around the circle. This was a fun activity!

Thursday was Twin Day! Check out all the twins below. 

Playing a Dr. Seuss synonyms game to review synonyms. We also did a I have... Who has.... game to practice them. This was tons of fun! 

All of our spelling words this week were words from Dr. Seuss books. It was a difficult list of words but they sure did an awesome job on them. We did a fun activity called "write the room". I placed all the spelling words cards around the room. They had to search for them and then record them on the cat in the hat page. It was a blast!

I am very sad to see this week come to an end. Dr. Seuss week is always such a blast. We enjoyed some great greeting from our school secretary Brianna. Don't forget the pledge we all made to become better readers! I hope to see you all with a book in your hand when you have free time!