Tuesday, February 16, 2016

100th Day of School!

Today was our 100th day of school. We had a busy and fun day! I gave them a day off of doing their early bird packets and they made 100 day crowns instead. Each student brought in a 100 day project and we displayed them in the gym for all student to see. The gym was filled with amazing projects. In the afternoon we headed over to Mrs. Knott's classroom to make our 100 day snack. Each student put 10 of each snack into their cup to make 100. We enjoyed our snack and then went to the gym to look at all of the 100 day projects. While in the gym, we made 100 with all the second grade students. This turned out really neat! We finished our day with doing stations about 100. They really enjoyed this time!

Valentine's Day and President's Day

We had a very fun Valentine's Day party. Each student was greeted in the morning with a new pencil and a free homework pass. They were pretty excited about the free homework pass! We made some pretty neat Valentine boxes and they were sure full of treats at the end of the day.

On President's Day we made president flip books. Each student got to pick a President and write about each of them from our study sheets. A lot of hard work and effort were put into these.