Friday, October 4, 2013

What Makes a Ten, Predicates, and Our Spooktacular 2nd Graders!

Today in math we worked on the addends that make a ten. We wrote down all the facts that have the sum of ten and then practiced our sums with the video below. There were quite a few students who answered all the questions correctly. I was pretty impressed. We will be starting our near doubles and sums of ten next week for our timed test. Make sure you really practice hard this weekend!

They can practice this video at home!

In grammar we worked on predicates. The predicate tells what the subject is doing. Example... The second grade class went to the circus. The second grade class would be the subject and went to the circus would be the predicate. Our class has improved immensely on finding the subjects and predicates this week. We always circle the subjects and underline the predicates. We practiced this by playing subject and predicate scoot. They had to find either the subject or the predicate and write it in the box while they SCOOTED around the classroom to different sentences.

Our art project this week was to make tissue paper ghosts for our October bulletin board. The boy ghosts are wearing ties and the girls have a bow in their hair. They turned out so cute! There are some pretty talented artists in my classroom this year!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!! I am sooooo impressed 2nd graders and Mrs. Skjerven! You are so lucky to have such an awesome teacher with fun ideas!!!!! :) :)
