Monday, December 19, 2016


We had a fun activity we did on Friday that really challenged our class. They had to use a lot of teamwork to solve the problems around the room to open three different types of locks. They had 45 minutes to work together to find clues around the room. There was a black light hidden that revealed a the code to the directional lock. On trees posted around the room were arrows showing up, down, left, right, left that opened one lock. On another lock was picture clues that gave an alphabet code. They revealed the message that said, What you hear when Santa is near? They figured out that it was bells. That opened the 5 letter lock. Last. and the trickiest for our class, was the 4 number lock. They had to do a wordsearch and the left over letters spelled out 3 Christmas songs that led them to a clue of pictures that revealed songs. Each picture matched a song and had a designated number that unlocked the lock. This class was VERY smart and unlocked all three locks with 13 minutes remaining. Inside the locked box was a cookie for each student. They were pretty proud of themselves!

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